
Installation is generally a straightforward process taking a few minutes, but if you come across any problems, check out the troubleshooting section.

Step 1. Check that you have Python on your system

Jocular requires Python (v3.6 - v3.9, but not v 3.10). Check whether you have Python on your system by opening a command/terminal window and typing:

python --version

If you don’t have a suitable Python version, download it from


during installation you will be asked whether you want Python to be on your PATH: the answer is yes.


I recommend that you close the terminal window that you used to check for the existence of Python and re-open after installing Python so that any changes to the PATH are picked up.

Step 2. Install Jocular

To install Jocular and its dependencies, open a terminal/command window and type

pip install jocular

This takes a few minutes as various dependencies are downloaded.

Note for existing Python users

If you are an existing Python user/developer, you might prefer to install Jocular in a virtual environment

Step 3. Create a data directory

If you are using Jocular for the first time, before running the program you should create a directory where Jocular can store your captures and other files such as calibration files and catalogues. You can call this directory whatever you like, but joculardata makes a lot of sense; indeed, in other parts of this document we’ll refer to this as your joculardata directory.

Step 4. Run Jocular

To run jocular, simply type


The first time the program runs it will ask you to locate the joculardata directory. You’ll find also that it takes some time to start up (perhaps up to a minute) the first time round, but subsequent startups are much faster!

Upgrading Jocular to the latest version

Jocular is being developed continuously. To upgrade to the latest release, type

pip install --upgrade jocular

Downgrading to a specific version

If you run into any issues with the latest version, it is easy to downgrade to an earlier working version by specifying the version number like this:

pip install --upgrade jocular==0.5.4


All operating systems

  • If you run into problems with the pip commands, try pip3 instead. Some systems come with an earlier version of Python installed; pip3 ensures that Python v3 is used.

  • The default pip install command installs Jocular system-wide. If you come across a permissions issue, try the following form, which installs Jocular for you alone:

pip install jocular --user


  • If you are unable to connect to any camera, check that you have libusb-1.0.0.dylib on your system. If you don’t have it already, it can be built using

brew install libusb


it appears you have to build libusb before installing Jocular; you can uninstall Jocular if you need to using the command pip uninstall jocular


  • Some users have reported problems with the updated widgets; if you get error messages that mention kivy or kivymd you should revert back to the earlier version of the GUI widgets like this:

pip install kivymd==0.104.2
  • If you are unable to connect to your ASI camera you probably need to install the driver from the ZWO website